Access to Sakaki Group

Our room is 303 (the 3rd floor) of Fukui institute for fundamental chemistry (FIFC).

The location of FIFC (Maps from Mapion) is shown in "red circle (FIFC)".


When you visit FIFC by bus from Kyoto station,

get off at 蓼倉橋(Tadekura-bashi), green circle in the map (#17 in Kyoto-bus)

or get off at 高野橋東詰(Takanobashi-higashizume), blue circle in the map (#206 in Kyoto city bus.)

About Kyoto city bus

If you want to enjoy Kyoto city, this pdf file (Kyoto city bus) is also useful.

Google Map is also available. Please also refer to FIFC's homepage.

Contact us

Sakaki group
34-4 Nishihiraki-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 606-8103 Japan.
Tel: +81-75-711-7907, FAX: +81-75-711-4757

Question for our group? Mail to Prof. Sakaki (sakaki.shigeyoshi.47e" at " )
Question for this page? Mail to Dr. Hijikata (hijikata" at "

Please change " at " to @ for sending a mail.